Workshops & Special Events

Group for the East End

The group had 4 stations. The first was painting the case with special stamps. For example, I used a butterfly stamp. The second station was the stone station. Everyone painted their own stone with paint and feathers and little eyes. Another station was the magnet station. They played a role with a face. We move the sand with the magnet to make a design. Finally, we did an activity with sand and shells. The activities were so much fun!

-Juan P. (4th Grade) Translated

El grupo tenia 4 estaciones. El primero estaba pintando el estuche con sellos especiales. Por exemplo, yo use un sello de mariposa. La segunda estacion era la de piedras. Todos pintaron su propia piedra con pintura y plumas y ojitos. Otra estacion era la de iman. Hicieron un papel con una cara. Movimos la arena con el iman para hacer un deseno. En fin, hicimos un actividad con arena y las conchas. Las actividades eran muy divertidos!

Dos Ositos Paletas. 

We made popsicles from cucumbers from the CAST community garden and blackberries. First we wash our hands and cut the cucumbers. Then we squeeze the lemon with a machine. Then we add the ingredients of sugar, cut cucumber, lemon juice and mint in the mixer. Finally, we put the mixture in a mold and added the blackberry. Then we put it in the fridge to fry. We enjoyed the day after. This activity was fun and educational!

-Jose P. (6th Grade)

Hicimos paletas de pepinos del jardín comunitario de CAST y mora.  Primero lavamos las manos y cortamos los pepinos. Después exprimimos el limón con una máquina. Después juntamos los ingredientes de azúcar, pepino cortado, jugo de limón y hierbabuena en la mezcladora. En fin, pusimos la mezcla en un molde y añadimos la mora. Después lo metimos a la refri a frisar. Disfrutamos el día después. Esta actividad era divertida y educacional!

Mindful Eating with Corrianna Lipra

Mindful eating is about knowing what your body wants and when it wants it. Like if you’re hungry you will feel a bit of pain in your stomach but when you are full and you continue eating you will feel a small pain as well, and although they are both “pain” they are a totally different feeling.

-Kevin G.(1st Grade)

Nutrition with CCE

We made spaghetti out of cucumbers, zucchini and squash, which are all really healthy vegetables! We spun them through this thing called a spiralizer and it made them into noodles which was really fun. We fried them in a pan with tomatoes and peppers. I didn’t like vegetables but when I ate them like this they were super good!

-Camila R.(4th Grade)